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1422320cookie-checkBijna-dood plaatst je tegen de ijskoude omstandigheden van Antarctica

Bijna-dood plaatst je tegen de ijskoude omstandigheden van Antarctica

Orthogonal Games’ Bijna dood is a game about surviving in sub-zero temperatures in Antarctica. There are no zombies, no monsters and no aliens… just the player trying to find the necessary tools in a harsh survival condition after barely surviving a plane crash.

The game starts with the player-character crash landing at a facility in Antarctica. The objective is to find ways to stay warm while avoiding freezing to death. The temperatures can reach 100 below zero and Near Death’s dynamic weather system means that you’ll have to do with snow storms, wind, termperature changes and lightning while attempting to gather supplies and simply survive.

Je kunt een idee krijgen van hoe de gameplay eruit ziet met de onderstaande trailer.

Thematically, this reminds me a lot of John Carpenter’s Het ding. It’s very grim, very dark and very somber.

This isn’t a jolly ‘ole good time survival game.

One of the things that really sets this apart from other titles is that the real-time temperature mechanics can travel from room to room, freezing the elements within and affecting the power of the station. It means you have to work fast, find the necessary supplies you need and stay warm!

The game seems to have this kind of frantic theme about it that might appeal to people who really enjoy survival titles. The user reviews for the game so far have been fairly positive. In fact, some people like the dark themes and unforgiving nature of the game.

It’s not all bad, though. There are blueprints available so players can craft new equipment that can help them along the way.

Bijna dood is available right now for $14.99 but for the first week of being on sale you can get it for $13.49. You can grab a copy over on the Steam Store of bezoek de officiële website voor meer info.

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