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1451990cookie-checkLife Is Feudal: Forest Village studeert af van vroege toegang en wordt gelanceerd op Steam

Life Is Feudal: Forest Village studeert af van vroege toegang en wordt gelanceerd op Steam

The development pains of having a game out there and available to the public but in an unfinished form can be unbearable at times. The stress of a seemingly nebulous release date hanging over your head; endless supplies of comments and feedback to skim through; lots of worries over misrepresentation from the press, and of course the ever-present stigma of not finishing the game and “running off with the money”. Well, one developer no longer has to deal with any of that because the Early Access game, life is Feudal: Forest Village, has graduated from the development arena and is now available in full right now on Steam.

Publisher Bitbox and developer Mindillusion sent out a press release indicating that Het leven is Feodaal is now complete. The survival RPG that puts a strong focus on realism, diplomacy, building, and resource management has been in Early Access since August of 2016. The game has slowly come to fruition since then, spending almost a year in open development.

They released a launch trailer to indicate what’s been added, updated and improved for the survival title, which you can check out below.

Graphically the game looks pretty good to be an indie title. You’ll have to gather resources to build your house; use the geometrical deformation tools to hire and put your townsfolk to work; hunt animals for food and resources; and even defend your town from bandits and invaders, while also dealing with natural disasters and changing weather.

It’s an ambitious game with a huge scope. The current user review rating is mixed due to all of the hiccups, ups and downs that came with traveling the road of Early Access, but now that it’s up and available in full the developers should be able to iron out any of the remaining kinks.

They’ve even added in Steam Workshop support for community-made mods.

U kunt kiezen uit een digitale kopie van Het leven is Feodaal: Bosdorp right now for only $24.99 from the Steam Store.

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