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1458590cookie-checkPylon: Rogue, Beast Hunting Rogue-Lite wordt op 21 september gelanceerd op Steam

Pylon: Rogue, Beast Hunting Rogue-Lite wordt op 21 september gelanceerd op Steam

QuantumSquid Interactive recently announced that their isometric, 3D, rogue-lite RPG called Pylon: Rogue will officially graduate from Early Access and launch on Steam starting September 21st.

The dinosaur-hunting, beast-killing, hack-and-slash, loot and grind game utilizes procedurally generated maps so every single run is different and unique, and it offers gamers some hard-hitting, real-time combat not unlike what you would find in popular titles like Diablo or Torchlight.

Loot drops are unpredictable, look combinations are said to be endless, and enemy hordes grow and change and alter every time you start up a new run. I was actually pleasantly surprised at one of the older trailers of the game tha tyou can check out below.

As you can see, you can run around, kill things, loot things, explore new environments and level up your character. There are four different classes to choose from, including golems, rangers, warriors and assassins.

A second trailer shows off some of the other environments they’ve added to the game since debuting on Early Access back in August of 2016. You can check out the updated trailer below, which gives you a more in-depth look at the skills, character classes and traits at your disposal.

QuantumSquid has it setup where you can seamlessly switch between keyboard and mouse or a controller with ease. So you can set things up to play out however you best feel suits your play-style.

To be an indie game, it doesn’t look that bad.

Back in March they had updated gamers and Early Access buyers that they had switched to a newer version of the engine that they were using, as well as added in the desert environment, which houses Egyptian-themed monsters.

According to Dane Emerson, founder, QuantumSquid, the idea for the game is to give players fast, short runs that are highly entertaining and infinitely replayable thanks to the procedurally generated maps, mentioning in the press release…

“Pylon: Rogue takes the essence of Action-RPG character customization and combines it with the fast-paced, arcade play-style of a Rogue-like. The result is an original experience that offers layered character progression, and a constant sense of discovery, in short, sprint-based play.”

If you want to keep an eye on the game or learn more about it before it graduates from Early Access and launches in full on September 21st, feel free to visit the officiële Steam-winkelpagina.

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