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1516230cookie-checkBlazing Beaks, Story Roguelite-game verschijnt op 15 november op Steam

Blazing Beaks, Story Roguelite-game verschijnt op 15 november op Steam

Roguelite and Early Access games have been ran into the ground, but at the same time if you are looking for a colorful well made indie game that explores an explosive story and deathmatch mode, then you have Applava’s PC title Blazing Beaks to look forward to come November 15th.

If you happen to be in the mood for a single-player or co-op game that has you or your friend traversing colorful dungeons filled with destructible pieces and ugly baddies, the latest roguelite titled Blazing Beaks will hit PC via Steam Early Access in the next two weeks.

Het uitgangspunt van Blazing Beaks sees birds with guns blazing their way out through piles of mutants and spooky creatures. In the midst of stopping this slimy invasion, you will need to gather items and artifacts to increase your chance of survival in this fast-paced game filled with secrets.

You can read what the once Steam Greenlight game devs think about the game’s current state through Early Access:

“Current version of the game can be described as quality over quantity. We concentrated on the smaller part of the game and polished it as much as possible but that does not mean that the game does not have content. The game has 3 areas in Story mode, dozen of guns, 70+ items and artefacts and fully finished Tournament mode (co-op only) with 5 different modes. This makes up roughly 1/3 of all the planned content.”

If you are okay with a game that will be finished over time or you are intrigued by Blazing Beaks overall concept, a video trailer showing what the forthcoming title has to offer sits right here.

Tenslotte Blazing Beaks will feature two modes that happen to be a Story Mode en Deathmatch-modus. Both modes will support local co-op, however there is no word if there will be multiplayer online later down the road.

While we wait for the devs to get their hoofdwebsite up, more information on Blazing Beaks is te vinden op de nieuw geplaatste pagina Steam Early Access-pagina.

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