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1519910cookie-checkThe Colonists, een strategiebouwsim die binnenkort op Steam verschijnt

The Colonists, een strategiebouwsim die binnenkort op Steam verschijnt

Indie publisher Mode 7 and developer Codebyfire seek to bring De kolonisten to PC via Steam Early Access soon. The strategy game sees you commanding robots to colonize a planet in a simulation setup.

Looking for a simple yet complex strategy game to play sometime soon? Well, De kolonisten might be a game to scratch your strategic, world colonization itch. The game is set on a foreign planet where you must build it up to be inhabitable so that lifeforms on the home world can settle in on the planet:

“Take control of a team of robots tasked with settling a newly-discovered planet, preparing the ground for an influx of inhabitants from their homeworld.”

Drawing inspiration from other classic titles such as The Settlers en Jaar series — and both titles are strategy simulators at heart — De kolonisten offers stages in time like the Stone Age and the Space Age.

In addition to the above, you can build infrastructures for your colony by constructing complex roads, boat systems, train routes, and drone transport systems to heighten efficiency.

Looking past technology and complex infrastructures, you can cultivate natural resources, build up farming and food productions, sculpt the terrain to optimize your networks, conquer other settlements and/or trade with new allies.

As simple as the game may sound according to its official description, it also houses a rather simplistic, minimalist art-style. However this game is said to offer a technical challenge at its core.

You can be the judge as to whether this game is something worth following by checking out The Colonist latest trailer by mode 7.

Tenslotte De kolonisten will sport a single-player campaign mode, a free-play mode, a competitive multiplayer mode, and a co-op mode at launch.

U kunt meer over te weten komen De kolonisten door naar de nieuw geplaatste pagina te gaan Steam Early Access pagina of hoofdwebsite.

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