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1489660cookie-checkFromSoftware Producer zegt dat hij graag wil samenwerken met Pacific Rim Director
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FromSoftware Producer zegt dat hij graag wil samenwerken met Pacific Rim Director

Collaborations happen all the time and span from publishing to developing, as well as different facets throughout many mediums, one of which happens to be the games industry. And in this case, FromSoftware is working with George R.R. Martin on Elden Ring. However, From’s producer notes that he would like to work with Pacific Rim director Guillermo Del Toro.

In a recent interview with IGN (archive.is), FromSoftware producer Masanori Takeuchi — whose work consists of Dark Souls Remastered en de aanstaande Metal Wolf Chaos XD — told the publication site the following when asked if he’d like to do a collaboration similar to Elden Ring:

“Del Toro obviously directed Pacific Rim and I’m actually a big fan of [the films]. He really captured that kind of children’s robot anime sort of approach to futuristic robots in a mature setting really well, I feel. Obviously, we’re working on Metal Wolf Chaos, and we like mech and robots as well – and we think some sort of collaboration there would be fun.”


While the interview sought out to dig deeper into this hypothetical collaboration, Takeuchi explains that he’s more interested in the idea of an anime adaptation of Metal Wolf Chaos. So, if a collab were to happen between Del Toro, it may be an animated project:

“While it is a big robot action game, there’s a lot of moments that we think could be captured nicely in an anime. We don’t have a lot of personal interaction with the President and Vice President getting out of their mechs – talking and having some drama there. I think if it was adapted to an anime or something, it could really explore their personalities, get them talking, and explore that drama in that media.”

As it stands now, From is currently developing Elden Ring a game that reportedly doesn’t play out exactly in the same way as Souls games do.

Nevertheless, the chances of a Del Toro and Takeuchi doing a collab, whether it be a game or an anime, may happen given that the director in question said during mid-2015 that he has proven “to be the albatross of video games” after a series of failed titles and that…

“I have decided, in order not to destroy anyone else’s life, I will never again get involved in video games. Otherwise, I’ll join someone and his house will explode, or something.


I went to the side of Kojima, because he’s a master, and I can gladly say that we are friends and I love his work and I will continue learning from him as a friend. But if I join another video game, World War 3 will start.”

As of now, he’s helping Kojima work on Death Stranding.

Anyway, would you like to see FromSoftware’s producer, Masanori Takeuchi, work with Del Toro on a mecha title?

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